Liberating Structures Virtual Sessions

Deep dive into one liberating structure each monthly session.
▫️ What does this structure enable?
▫️ What might you include in a string?
▫️ How does it work in person?
▫️ Does it work the same online?

The structure we will cover on 18th June 24

Icon showing three people together

Ecocycle Planning

Analyse the Full Portfolio of Activities and Relationships to Identify Obstacles and Opportunities for Progress.

Paper on a wall showing a system as an ecocycle. A portfolio of market strategies arrayed around the Ecocycle by members of a management team. Each number represents a strategy in play or under consideration.

How does it work?

Live session

Members are invited to the live session and will be able to ask questions


The individual session recording will be offered via an online platform
Members have access to the session recording along with all other sessions

One session or all sessions

Session 2nd May


▫️ An invitation to this session with the opportunity to ask questions
▫️ The recording to keep

annual membership


▫️ The opportunity to vote on all future sessions
▫️ Invitation to all sessions with the opportunity to ask questions
▫️ Access to all recordings

Why these workshops with me?

I have been using and sharing Liberating Structures since 2015.

Collaborating with other organisers I have:

Worked on adapting structures to work in a virtual environment

Run three user groups in London, Leeds and Dorset

Led a structure for 600 participants at the Global Gathering in Seattle

Organised and led two day immersion workshops in London

Run sessions at conferences


Sharon is a great facilitator and her ability to keep things flowing really helped the pace of all the things that we covered.

Your teaching was fun and accessible and I was able to relate it to my work situation.

Definitely do it. Immerse yourself in it. Turn your mobile off / leave it behind and give it 100% - the benefits will be enormous. Be prepared to contribute in order to get the most out of it.

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